Lead Picture
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Getting ready to open.
The Microsoft Store that provides patient and intelligent answers to all questions related to Microsoft products.
Read the Commentary on the blog www.existentialautotrip.com
The blog? A daily three to four-minute excursion into photos and short texts to regale the curious with an ever-changing and diverting view of a world rich in gastronomy, visual art, ideas, chuckles, stories, people, diversions, science, homespun, and enlightenment.
Observing with wit and wisdom, Dom Capossela, an experienced leader, guides his team of contributors and followers through that world, an amusing and edifying conversation to join.
Note that the blog is also the first place that posts the "Hello! my friends," videos and the
“Conflicted” podcasts.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
So Thursday Alana of the Microsoft Store at Prudential Center, using Excel, helped me develop a book to track the viewership of the podcasts in the Conflicted series.
I posted a picture of the store just as it opened. It’s organized and attractive.
The staff is young (as befits technology) and enthusiastic.
Without them, it’s safe to say, there would be no blog.
Our lives are filled with moments when we’ve enjoyed the help of others that got us through one phase or another.
Something to keep in the forefront of our thoughts when we are asked for help.
Pay it forward.
News re: existentialautotrip
Saturday, October 26, 2019
I’m likely not going to publish new videos until after my meeting next Thursday with the neighborhood television station.
I’m hoping to get serious professional help in future productions.
But the podcasts will stay on schedule: Saturday’s and next Wednesday’s will come out as planned.
A “Conflicted” podcast
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The podcasts will go out first on the blog and then on many of the major social media.
Chapter Four to be posted on Wednesday
In today’s post, Chapter Three, we return to the dream and learn something dreadful. And we watch Diana fall happy prey to a worldwide addiction.
Dom’s website: existentialautotrip.com
A “Hello, my friends!” video.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Trio: not yet my brains
Three cute jokes.
Very short.
Thursday’s Dinner posted on
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Ate Chicken Soup.
To check out our recipe: Click the magnifying glass on the top right of the screen. Type Chicken Soup and then hit “Enter.”
Or scroll through our Recipe Index.
Chuckle of the day:
Saturday, October 26, 2019
An elderly man remembers the good old days:
“When I was young, my mom could send me to a shop with a single dollar
and I would bring back 5 pounds of potatoes, 2 breads, a bottle of milk, a piece of cheese and 10 eggs.
Nowadays that’s impossible – too many security cameras.
We love getting mail.
Contact me at domcapossela@hotmail.com
Saturday, October 26, 2019
This from Kali L re: my recent taping of a conversation with Colleen G of Room to Write.
I love that you're featured on a podcast with other writers. I was marveling at how writer's always find each other.
I'm currently reading up on Elizabeth Bishop and how she was friends with another poet : Marianne Moore.
I love seeing how writer's become friends and impact/inspire each other along the way.
So beautiful!
Keep going.
Love Kali
Web Meister responds: Did you know that many years ago Elizabeth Bishop was a customer of Dom’s?
To which Kali L responded:
Web Meister responds: True.
To which Kali L responded:
All my brilliant friends have brilliant people in their lives.
Which precipitated a response from Colleen G:
Hi Kali,
I absolutely love your poetry. So majestic.
I had a lot of fun interviewing Dom--as you can imagine:)
It's always a good excuse to have a deep conversation about the craft of writing and the different ways to go about it. I always learn something.
Have a great weekend!
A tip o' the hat (U.S. President Calvin Coolidge, 1924) after signing an Indian treaty
Sly devil that he was.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Thanks to Colleen G and Kali L for sharing their exchange.
Thanks to Funny Jokes for today’s chuckle.
Thanks in general to the Microsoft team at the Prudential Center for their unflagging availability to help with a constant flow of technological problems.
Always thanks to Wikipedia, the Lead and the Thumbnail sections of the Blog very often shaped from stories taken from that amazing website. They are truly worthy of public support.
Good Morning
Saturday, October 26, 2019
I keep a list of good deeds done to me that I’m obligated to do to others.
But now? Gotta go.
Che vuoi? Le pocketbook?
See you soon.
Your Taeyeon