Photograph credit: Neil Armstrong
This, the Lead Picture Today, Monday, July 22, 2019, on the blog –
The blog? A daily three to four minute excursion into photos and short texts to regale the curious with an ever-changing and diverting view of a world rich in gastronomy, visual art, ideas, chuckles, stories, people, diversions, science, homespun, and enlightenment.
Observing with wit and wisdom, Dom Capossela, an experienced leader, guides his team of contributors and followers through that world, an amusing and edifying conversation to join.
See ‘Thumbnail’ below for further description of the Lead Picture theme.
Monday, July 22, 2019
This a good friend of mine sent me as a reminder.
If you consider any man a friend whom you do not trust as you trust yourself, you are mightily mistaken and you do not sufficiently understand what true friendship means… When friendship is settled, you must trust; before friendship is formed, you must pass judgment. Those persons indeed put last first and confound their duties, who … judge a man after they have made him their friend, instead of making him their friend after they have judged him. Ponder for a long time whether you shall admit a given person to your friendship; but when you have decided to admit him, welcome him with all your heart and soul. Speak as boldly with him as with yourself… Regard him as loyal and you will make him loyal.—Seneca, "On True and False Friendship"
A friend sent this to me.
To remind me.
Seneca’s standard a pretty high bar.
Sometimes I can’t be that honest to myself.
But reach for the stars…
Monday, July 22, 2019
On this day Boston will present residents with a seasonably warm day, a high of 81* but a feels-like of 82* with a mix of clouds and rain.
We’ll have rain tomorrow but then nice summer days to follow.
Tracking Postings – Tracking Time
Monday, July 22, 2019
Our 472nd consecutive posting, committed to 5,000.
After 472 posts we’re at the 9.44 percentile of our commitment, that commitment a different way of marking the passage of time.
Posting always done by 6.00am the day of, but usually by 6pm of the night before.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Saturday’s dinner was at The Finch, a Michelin starred-spot from chef and owner Gabe McMackin, who did stints at Blue Hill at Stone Barns, Gramercy Tavern, and Roberta’s.
We ate many courses and all of them were delicious and pleasing.
Missing was the depth and complexity of the courses that we enjoyed in our Paris one-stars.
The service was excellent and the prices were fair.
The wines, however, were less than satisfactory.
A terrific catch for the neighborhood.
Chef Gabe McMackin of the Finch
Chuckle of the Day:
Monday, July 22, 2019
A man saying his prayers, "Oh, Lord... Why have you made women so beautiful?"
"So you can love them, my child."
"I understand, Lord, but why did you make them so stupid?"
"So that they can love you back, my child!"
Today’s Thumbnail
Monday, July 22, 2019
Apollo 11 was the fifth crewed mission of NASA's Apollo program.
After launching from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on July 16, 1969, commander Neil Armstrong and Apollo Lunar Module pilot Buzz Aldrin landed Eagle in Mare Tranquillitatis on July 20, at 20:17:40 UTC, while command module pilot Michael Collins remained on Columbia in lunar orbit.
Armstrong was the first to exit the spacecraft, stepping onto the surface 6 hours and 39 minutes later, on July 21, at 02:56:15 UTC; nineteen minutes later, Aldrin joined him on extravehicular activity, which lasted 2 hours, 31 minutes and 40 seconds.
Armstrong and Aldrin lifted off from Tranquility Base after almost 22 hours on the lunar surface and rejoined Collins in the command module, before splashing down in the Pacific Ocean on July 24.
Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing mission in his space suit, with his helmet on the table in front of him.
Behind him is a large photograph of the lunar surface.
Neil Armstrong (1930–2012) was an astronaut and aeronautical engineer who was the first person to walk on the Moon.
Armstrong in 1969
Unknown - NASA Photo ID: S69-31741 - Program: Apolo XI
The mission was planned to the minute, with the majority of the photographic tasks performed by Armstrong with a single Hasselblad camera.
Most of the photographs taken on the Moon that include an astronaut are of Aldrin; there are only five images of Armstrong partly shown or reflected, as in this photograph, with Armstrong and the lunar module reflected in Aldrin's helmet visor.
"As the sequence of lunar operations evolved," Aldrin explained, "Neil had the camera most of the time [...] It wasn't until we were back on Earth and in the Lunar Receiving Laboratory looking over the pictures that we realized there were few pictures of Neil."
I have a moon rock.
A real one.
Good Morning on this Monday, the twenty-second day of July, 2019
Our lead picture celebrates the moon landing, fifty years ago.
Wow! Time passing.
And our Thumbnail adds a bit more info on the subject.
Our commentary quotes Seneca and then comments on the quotation.
We posted a Boston weather report and the ticking calendar as illustrated by the growing number of posts as calendar markers.
We posted a chuckle of a Goodnight prayer and talked about a dining experience at the Finch in Brooklyn.
And now? Gotta go.
Che vuoi? Le pocketbook?
See you soon.