Harlingen Army Air Field, Texas--Elizabeth L. Remba Gardner of Rockford, Illinois, WASP (Women's Airforce Service Pilots)
Harlingen Army Air Field, Texas--Elizabeth L. Remba Gardner of Rockford, Illinois, WASP (Women's Airforce Service Pilots), Class: 43-W-6, takes a look around before sending her plane streaking down the runway at the Harlingen Army Airfield, Texas, ca. 1930–1975.
Note: Almost certainly this dates from 1942–1944, part of project of having women pilots move aircraft on the home front to free up more male pilots for combat duty.
There is a cropped image with the same file name.
US Department of the Air Force. - https://research.archives.gov/description/542191
This, the Lead Picture Today, Saturday, July 13, 2019, on the blog –
See ‘Thumbnail’ below for further description.
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Doesn’t get its due.
As a word; as a way of life.
Some gifted people don’t need it.
Don’t believe in it.
Don’t practice it.
Disdain it.
These are the people who ‘get it’ from the outset.
One explanation, one try and they own it.
God bless.
It ain’t me, babe.
I’m a layerer.
Dom’s restaurant emerged as a gastronomic leader in Boston’s seventies because of layering.
Opening as another of Boston’s average restaurants.
What separated us ultimately was the desire to improve.
To tweak.
To read the clientele and ask ourselves “Why can’t we serve roast duck fresh peppers?”
And then take the steps to do just that.
One improvement added on to another.
“Why can’t we make our own pasta?”
“Why can’t we…?”
I recently sent a draft proposal to a business associate.
Who had questions and ideas on it.
I tweaked the original to accommodate his ideas.
And then another of the group chimed in and a third version of the proposal went out.
And I fully expect the number of tweaks to hit double digits, each being more precise, more accommodating.
Doesn’t get its due.
The hours are ticking away and if we don’t make the most of our time another day will soon click past.
Tracking Postings, Weather, and Time
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Our 463rd consecutive posting, committed to 5,000.
After 463 posts we’re at the 9.26 percentile of our commitment, that commitment a different way of marking the passage of time.
Posting always done by 6.00am the day of, but usually by 6pm of the night befoire.
On this day Boston will enjoy warm temperatures, with a high of 86* and a feels-like of 88* under sunny skies.
The next days look splendid as well.
Eighties all, a touch of ninety, with a lot of sun.
Anyone complaining?
Dinner Posted on
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Dinner Thursday was the ultimate Franks and Beans.
Dried beans, aromatics of carrots, celery, etc, molasses and honey, wine and stock, and time. Two or three hours.
And franks, frankfurts, hot dogs cut up and added into the bubbling beans.
With crusty Italian or French bread, Oh, my!
Chuckle of the Day:
Saturday, July 13, 2019
A young woman wearing a tight leather skirt tried stepping onto the bus but discovered that her skirt was too tight to allow her leg to come up to the height of the first step of the bus.
Slightly embarrassed and with a quick smile to the bus driver, she reached behind her to unzip her skirt a little for some additional skirt-slack to raise her leg. She tried again and again she failed.
For the second time she reached behind herself and unzipped.
For the third time she couldn’t raise her leg.
Without further ado, a large guy behind her waiting his turn, picked her up easily by the waist and placed her gently onto that first tall step.
She turned to the would-be Samaritan and screeched, "How dare you touch me! I don’t even know you."
The guy smiled and drawled, "Well, ma’am, normally I would agree with you, but after you unzipped my fly twice I kind’a figured we were at least friends."
We love getting mail.
Contact me at domcapossela@hotmail.com
Saturday, July 13, 2019
This from Kali L:
I love the new logo! What an impressive community you're building. There's so much talent :)
Do you ever put meditation music on to sleep?
I find it works very well for middle of the night awakenings!
Web Meister Responds: I never have. My efforts have mostly been trying to flow in harmony with my body, accepting that it doesn’t want to sleep so trying to stay productive. The times I’ve opted to stay in bed hoping to fall back to sleep, have been met with frustration. Perhaps such music may have helped.
And Kali L responded:
you can find plenty for free on youtube or you can download the app called insight timer (that's free too) and they have sleep ones!
And the WebMeister thanked her.
Today’s Thumbnail
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Harlingen Army Air Field, Texas--Elizabeth L. Remba Gardner of Rockford, Illinois, WASP (Women's Airforce Service Pilots), Class: 43-W-6, takes a look around before sending her plane streaking down the runway at the Harlingen Army Airfield, Texas, ca. 1930–1975. Note: Almost certainly this dates from 1942–1944, part of project of having women pilots move aircraft on the home front to free up more male pilots for combat duty. There is a cropped image with the same file name.
US Department of the Air Force. - https://research.archives.gov/description/542191
U.S. Army Air Corps/Air Force WASP badge Courtesy U.S. Air Force
The Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP), (also Women's Army Service Pilots[2] or Women's Auxiliary Service Pilots[3]) was a civilian women pilots' organization, whose members were United States federal civil service employees.
Members of WASP became trained pilots who tested aircraft, ferried aircraft and trained other pilots.
Their purpose was to free male pilots for combat roles during World War II.
Despite various members of the armed forces being involved in the creation of the program, the WASP and its members had no military standing.
Good Morning on this Saturday, the thirteenth day of July, 2019
Our lead picture is Elizabeth Gardner for her military service.
Our commentary talks of the value of living by accretion.
We posted a weather report, the ticking calendar, and the growing number of posts as a calendar marker.
We posted a note from Kali L and a chuckle.
Finally, our Thumbnail fleshed out a heroic group of women.
And now? Gotta go.
Che vuoi? Le pocketbook?
See you soon.
Your love.