Lead Picture
Sunday, November 2, 2019
Read more in the Commentary section of the blog.
The blog? A daily three to four-minute excursion into photos and short texts to regale the curious with an ever-changing and diverting view of a world rich in gastronomy, visual art, ideas, chuckles, stories, people, diversions, science, homespun, and enlightenment.
Observing with wit and wisdom, Dom Capossela, an experienced leader, guides his team of contributors and followers through that world, an amusing and edifying conversation to join.
Note that the blog is also the first place that posts the "Hello! my friends," videos and the
“Conflicted” podcasts.
Ideas for the blog are collected through the week and posted as they come in. Saturday is the last day of our week, at which point the blog is purged, Sunday starting fresh,
Saturday, November 2, 2019
For 575 days I have published daily without skipping a beat, not holidays, not weekends.
Meanwhile, I’ve been dabbling with videos and podcast.
And although my efforts in these areas needs lots of improvement, I like them in the blog.
However, they take time and since the sun and the moon do not allow us more time for our projects, we must fit them into the 24-hour astronomical rhythm.
To retain these improvements to the blog I’m changing the way each blog is presented.
A new blog will be started every Sunday.
Each day more content will be added.
The last content will be uploaded on Saturday, making Saturday the largest iteration of each week’s blog.
After publication, Saturday’s blog will be archived and Sunday’s will start afresh.
A new installment of the ‘Conflicted’ podcast will be posted every Sunday.
So today’s blog is built on yesterday’s content, with some new posts as well.
During these times of turbulence may God lead us all to smoother waters.
News re: existentialautotrip
Saturday, November 2, 2019
I have engaged a professional studio to produce the podcasts.
Sunday’s podcast will be the last one recorded at my apartment.
I hope.
Next Wednesday I am scheduled to record in a professional studio.
On the recommendation of the studio people, more experienced than I by a long shot, I will record new podcasts, one podcast for each chapter of the book, Conflicted, by Dom Capossela, to be presented every Sunday.
Chapter Five, appearing on November 3, Sunday, will be the last podcast I record at my apartment.
A “Conflicted” podcast
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Chapter Four Conflicted, posted.
In this chapter Diana engages in a meditative introspection in which she makes life decisions that will greatly upset her parents.
Chapter Five to be posted on Sunday, Nov 3.
The podcasts go out first on the blog and then on major social media.
Dom’s website: existentialautotrip.com
A “Hello, my friends!” video.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Three cute jokes. 2 minutes
Dom’s website: existentialautotrip.com
Thursday’s Dinner posted on
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Dinner on Thursday only an okay steak (cut of meat on sale not worth the savings) but drunk with an unusually priced (for my humble table) Pomerol, a 2016 Chateau L’Enclos, tasting details of the tasting to follow on a later blog..
Chuckle of the day:
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Three From George Carlin
“If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?”
“The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live.”
“I like it when a flower or a little tuft of grass grows through a crack in the concrete. It's so fuckin' heroic.”
We love getting mail.
Contact me at domcapossela@hotmail.com
Saturday, November 2, 2019
This from Sally C:
Dear Dom,
It must be that Scorcese's film "The Irishman" is so named because there's only one of them, outstanding in a field of big-name actors of Italian ancestry. Otherwise, the film would have to be renamed "The Italians" (or, to borrow from your coinage, "The Italos").
Phillip and I, too, shy away from the overly hyped. Maybe it is a case of fuddy-duddyism. If so, it doesn't concern me in the least. To me, it's better to stand back and get a good look at something before jumping on its bandwagon.
Web Meister responds: ‘fuddy duddy’ is a synonym for experience.
And this from Kali L:
I write this poem to you
to the women that used their art
to cradle me and bathe my wounds in love
I write this poem to you
to the women that held me as my body
shook the earth with sobs
I write this poem to you
to the people that sat with me
and held my hand when the others
walked away with pieces of my heart;
I hope they did something good with them.
This life it gives and it gives and it tests and tests.
I never want to say that it takes.
Web Meister responds: Like everything you write, lovely. Thank you, my dear.
A tip o' the hat (U.S. President Calvin Coolidge, 1924) after signing an Indian treaty
Sly devil that he was.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Thanks to Sally for her note.
And Kali for her poetry.
And to Lauren for giving me the idea of lightening my load. Sometimes you need someone from the outside to remind yourself that the water’s getting deep.
And Adam for cautioning me against two podcasts per week in favor of one.
Thanks to George Carlin for today’s jokes.
Thanks in general to the Microsoft team at the Prudential Center for their unflagging availability to help with a constant flow of technological problems.
Always thanks to Wikipedia, the Lead and the Thumbnail sections of the Blog very often shaped from stories taken from that amazing website. They are truly worthy of public support.
Good Morning
Saturday, November 2, 2019
I salute the first transition from Saturday, the last day of the week, to Sunday, the first.
But now? Gotta go.
Che vuoi? Le pocketbook?
See you soon.
Your Taeyeon